AP Psychology Homework
Research Methods

Code: _________________________

  1. A testable prediction, often implied by a theory. _______________________

  2. A technique used to sample a population that pretty much guarantees the sample will be representative of the population. This is because each subject has an equal chance of being selected for the survey. ____________ ____________

  3. The difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution. _____________

  4. The most frequently occurring score in a distribution. ___________________

  5. A research method in which an investigator manipulates one or more factors (independent variables) to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process (the dependent variable). _____________________________

  6. Observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and/or control the situation. _________________ _______________

  7. A statement of the procedures used to define variables in research. This tells us exactly how variables are measured. __________________ _______________

  8. The tendency to believe, AFTER learning the outcome, that you "knew it all along". _________________ ________________.

  9. The repetition of an earlier research study (usually with other subjects and under a different situation) in order to see whether the basic findings generalize to other participants and other circumstances. ___________________________

  10. The perception (or belief) that a relationship exists between two variables where none actually exists. ___________________ ___________________

  11. A technique in which a single individual is studied in depth. _____________ __________

  12. A statistic that measures how strongly (and in what way) two variables are related. It also allows us to predict the value of one variable from knowledge of the other variable. _____________________ ______________________

  13. The condition (or group) in which subjects in an experiment are exposed to the "treatment". In other words: This is the condition in which subjects are exposed to the version of the independent variable that is believed to have an effect on the dependent variable. ______________________ ______________________

  14. An experimental procedure in which both the research participants and the research staff are unaware of who is in the experimental group or the control groups. _____________________ ______________ procedure

  15. The behavior or mental process that is being measured. This variable may change in response to the manipulation(s) of the independent variable. ______________ _________________.

  16. The average of a distribution of scores, obtained by adding the scores and then dividing by the number of scores. _____________________

  17. An inert substance (usually a sugar pill) used in place of a real drug in order to determine if the real drug actual has an effect beyond "wishful thinking" or the "self-fulfilling prophecy. ________________

  18. The middle score in a distribution. Half of the scores are above it and half are below it. ______________________

  19. A score that tells us how much an individual score varies around the mean of a distribution of scores. _________________ __________________

  20. A technique used to assess the attitudes and/or behaviors of a group of people. This is usually accomplished by administering questionnaires to a randomly selected sample of subjects. ____________________________

  21. Assigning subjects to the experimental and control conditions by random. The helps to reduce pre-existing differences the two groups. __________________ ____________________

  22. The experimental factor that is manipulated by the experimenter. This factor is believed to have an effect on one (or more) other variables. _______________ ________________

  23. The condition (or group) in an experiment that contrasts with the experimental condition and serves as a comparison for evaluating the true effect of the treatment (independent variable). ____________________ ______________

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