AP Psychology Research Sheet

Please fill in as much of the information as you can.  I realize that many of your projects are “works in progress” and that things will change.  This information is necessary in order to ME to get all of your projects organized. 

1)      a)    Project Topic:


     b)    Names of the individuals in your group:


        c)    Number of co-groups:

2)       What type of research do you plan to do?  (Circle one)

Correlational                experimental             quasi experimental                 differential

3)       If you are doing a correlation, what are your two variables?  How will you MEASURE them?





4)       If you are doing a true experiment, what is your independent variable?  How will you manipulate it.  What is your dependent variable?  How will you measure it?





5)       If you are doing a quasi-experiment, what is your independent variable?  How will you manipulate it?  What is your dependent variable?  How will you measure it?




  6)       If you are doing differential research, what groups do you plan to compare?
         (e.g., males and females; freshmen and seniors; high-anxiety and low-anxiety students, etc.)   



      a) If you plan to compare groups with respect to some type of personality trait, (like anxiety or compulsiveness) how do you plan to identify them?  



      b) On what variable do you plan to compare them? (e.g., GPA, self-esteem, aggression, happiness, etc.)  How do you plan to measure that variable?





7)       Regardless of your design, how will you obtain subjects for your study?  How many subjects will you try to obtain?


8)       How many days do you think it will take to collect all of your data?

9)       Once your data is collected, how will you analyze it? (e.g., correlation coefficient, t-test, chi-square, etc.)


11)    On a scale of 1 – 10, how much fun will you have doing this study?  __________







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