Cardboard Brain: 2D Brain

If you would prefer to do a 3D Brain, See "Make Your Own Brain"

This homework assignment is designed to help you easily learn the location and the function of important parts of the brain.  Plus, it will allow me to have a good time!  (Grading your brains will be much more fun than grading essays!)

1)    Buy a piece of poster board (please don't use regular paper), and create a profile of your head (or someone else's head). You should make it somewhat larger than an actual head.

2)    Then cut out the profile.  You will now fill in the important parts of your brain.

3)    Identify and color in the four lobes of the brain (frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital).  Please make this the left-side view of your brain because you must add...a) motor cortex; b) *Broca's area; c)  primary sensory cortex; d) primary visual cortex; f) *angular gyrus; g) primary auditory cortex; h) *Wernicke's Area.

* Only found in the left hemisphere.

4)     Turn the brain over.  On the other side, draw the interior parts of the brain.  This would include the brainstem, (medulla, reticular formation, pons, and thalamus); the limbic system (hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus) and finally, the cerebellum and corpus callosum.

5)     Label each area of your brain and add an "icon" to each area to help you remember what that part of the brain does.  For example: Put a picture (icon) of an "ear" on the primary auditory cortex of the temporal lobe.  Or, place an icon of the heart and lungs on the medulla.

Use the drawings in your text and the ones on my website to help you do this.


Trust me, this assignment will really help you learn the parts and functions of the brain in a pain-free way.


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