AP Psychology

Neural Communication

Please answer the following four questions. Use additional paper as needed. Please make your responses as clear and detailed as possible.

1. Sketch a neuron and label the cell body, axon, dendrites, myelin sheath, and terminal buttons. Below your drawing provide a description of the function of each of the identified parts of the neuron. (10 points)

2. Describe the PROCESS by which a neuron moves from a resting (polarized) state to firing (depolarized state) and then back to the resting state (i.e., the electrical portion of the process). Be sure to include a description of the role of positive and negative ions in this process as well as a description of the refractory period. (10 points)

3. Explain how a neural message is transmitted from the axon of the "sending" neuron to the receptor site of the "receiving" neuron (i.e., the chemical portion of the process).

4.  Name at least 3 neurotransmitters and their functions. Finally, describe the two processes by which neurotransmitters are removed from the synapse after binding at a receptor site. (10 points)

5. Describe how drugs can be agonists or antagonist and therefore, affect neural transmission. Be sure to include a specific example of a drug (or naturally occurring substance) which fits each category. (10 points)










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