AP Psychology Homework

Experimental Research

Name: ____________________________

Thanks to the success of your recent correlational research on the relationship between video games and academic achievement, you have been given a five million-dollar grant to explore the issue further. You plan to conduct a true experiment in order to determine if playing video games leads to poor academic performance in junior high aged students. Provide a detailed account of how you plan to conduct your research. Be sure to:

1.    Describe your subjects. (1 point)

2.    Identify the independent variable (1 point)

3.    Identify the dependent variable. (1 point)

4.    Provide operational definitions for both of those variables. (2 points)

5.    Identify the control group and the experimental groups. (2 points)

6.    Describe 3 control techniques you could (or should) use in 
       your study AND what confounding variables they control. (6 points)

7.    At the conclusion of your study, how would you evaluate your results? (1 point)

8.    Describe a serious ethical problem with your study. (1 point)









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