Somatoform Disorders

Disorders in which there is an apparent physical disorder for which there is no organic basis.

Somatization Disorder:
Disorder characterized by recurrent vague somatic complaints without a physical cause (e.g., back pain, dizziness, abdominal pain, etc.)

Conversion Disorder:
Disorder in which a dramatic specific disability has no physical cause and instead seems related to psychological problems (e.g., paralysis, blindness, deafness, false pregnancy, etc.)

A condition in which a person interprets small and insignificant symptoms as signs of serious illness in the absence of any organic symptoms of such illness (e.g., headache = brain tumor, abdominal pain = stomach cancer).


Dissociative Disorders

Disorders in which some aspect of the personality seems fragmented from the rest, as in amnesia or multiple personality.

Dissociative Amnesia:
Loss of memory for past events. The events are usually traumatic in nature.

Dissociative Fugue:
Loss of all episodic memory. The sufferer often moves away from their hometown and begins a new life with an entirely new identity.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder):
Condition in which more that one personality seems present in a single person.



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