Operant Conditioning
                    Contingencies of Reinforcement & Punishment




Appetitive (pleasant) Stimulus

Positive (+) Reinforcement

The behavior preceding the consequence is strengthened; it is more likely to occur again.


(Referred to as negative punishment or response cost)

The behavior preceding the consequence is weakened; it is less likely to occur again.

Aversive (unpleasant) Stimulus

(referred to as Positive punishment)

The behavior preceding the consequence is weakened; it is less likely to occur again.

Negative (-) Reinforcement

The behavior preceding the consequence is strengthened; it is more likely to occur again.

Types of Reinforcement and Punishment

Primary Reinforcer: Reinforcer that is rewarding in and of itself (e.g., food, water, and sex).

Secondary Reinforcer: Reinforcer whose value is LEARNED through association with primary reinforcers (e.g., money, nice car, good grades, etc.).

Primary Punisher: Punishment that is unpleasant in and of itself (e.g., physical pain or discomfort).

Secondary Punisher: Punishment is LEARNED (e.g., poor grades, having a bad hair day, etc.).


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