Phases of Research Methodology and Design




1. Idea-Generating Phase (1st Trimester)

Select a topic of interest

a) Listen to "ideas" in class.
b) Scan chapters in the text.
c) Discuss interests with Diane

2. Problem-definition Phase (1st Trimester)

Refine your ideas and come up with a specific question you want to examine.

a) Conduct a review of the past research
b) Write the "Introduction" of your paper.

3. Procedures-Design Phase (1st Trimester)

Decide on the specific procedures that you will use to collect empirical data.

a) Meet with Diane to discuss the methododogy & design of the study.
b) Get approval from administration and any teachers who may be involved.
c) Write "Method" section of your paper.

4. Observation Phase (2nd Trimester)

Using the procedures described in the previous phase, collect empirical data.

a) Schedule a time to collect data.
b) Prepare all materials and have them approved.
c) If using volunteers, announce your study at morning meeting & email.

5. Data-Analysis Phase (2nd Trimester)

Analyze the empirical data using statistical procedures.

a) Compute descriptive statistics.
b) Compute inferential statistics.
c) Revise "Method" section to reflect what you actually did.

6. Interpretation Phase (2nd Trimester)

Compare your results with your earlier predictions. What do your results mean?

a) Discuss results with Diane and with the class.
b) Evaluate threats to the validity of your study.
c) Examine alternative hypotheses if your results did not come out as predicted.
d) Write "Results & Discussion" section of your paper along with the "Abstract"

7. Communication Phase (3rd Trimester)

Present your results to the community.

a) Complete final revisions of your paper.
b) Present your project to the class.



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